I believe in the case which you quoted, the correct reading is a metaphorical/reflective one: *to me the book feels expressive*, which is quite similar to saying, the book is powerful, vibrant, creative, passionate, etc., all reflecting the ability of writers who can convey this *feeling* through their words.

Inanimate objects such as books, desks, airplanes and houses do not feel. They may have a *feel* to them (a sensation given by an object or material when touched, like the smoothness of soft leather, the firmness of wood, etc.). A house can *feel* cozy, where feel is an intransitive verb, meaning giving an overall impression or effect; atmosphere.

Part of the usage of 'feel' for inanimate objects (and one might argue something must have an *anima*, a *life force* or *soul* to feel) is related to different meanings for the word, and a smaller part is due to inappropriate usage of the word.

>The book is powerful and profound – coming straight from the heart. (a book review)
>The Publishers Weekly website said that the book is "intelligent, amusing and insightful..." 

And here, in this last example, you might see how inappropriately the words are used, if you know anything of Dan Brown's writing:

>The book is creative and intellectually challenging under the genius of Dan Brown.