'**Now I can’t see that crisis any longer means a climax**, unless we are willing to grant that every breath of wind has a climax(which I am) (...)' from [Space, Time and Dance by Merce Cunningham][1] The bold part of the sentence is extremely hard to me to understand. Does the meaning a) *Crisis* means a *climax* to the author, or b) Crisis doesn't mean climax to the author any longer? Or maybe it's neither of them. The exemplary sentences on [Merriam Webster][2] are clear to understand as 'any longer' is at the end of the sentences. However, in the quoted sentence, I don't get the meaning. What does it mean? [1]: https://www.mercecunningham.org/the-work/writings/space-time-and-dance/ [2]: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/any%20longer