[Unpatients—why patients should own their medical data][1] > We have coined the term 'UnPatient' for our new model of data > ownership as it has the double entendre of the patient subjected to > medical paternalism and information asymmetries, along with the idea > that it has taken far too long to become free to use our medical data > as we see fit and to own it. Without connecting to their medical data, > people are unnecessarily being hurt and dying.<Br> Accordingly, we > urgently seek to promote ownership of one's medical data as a civil > right and as a pivotal strategy to further digitize medicine, > providing a new resource to potentially help every individual who > willingly participates. This is the essence of the benefits of > democratization: shared control provides shared benefits at an > exponential rate. When individuals inform the collective, and the > collective informs the individual, we will have the learning health > system we seek. Although I'm putting this as an answer, I think it is more of a pointing in the direction of where an answer might be found. [1]: http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v33/n9/full/nbt.3340.html