How normal-sounding is the slogan "I'm lovin' it" to native ears?

I know it sounded quite odd to *me* when I first heard it — and it still sometimes does —, but I can't even tell why. Sure, *love* is supposedly a stative verb, but it's being used in progressive aspect all the time without sounding weird at all (lots of songs come to mind, e.g. [*Loving Every Minute*][1]). It's only this particular slogan that somehow doesn't quite work for me. I would expect that to be totally on purpose — it's advertising, after all —, but Wikipedia [doesn't mention][2] any objections from native speakers (as it does with "[Think Different][3]" and "[Winston tastes good like a cigarette should][4]"). So I'm asking the native speakers of this community: does "I'm lovin' it" sound completely natural to you? Just a bit off? Completely weird? Why?
