Blocker/Impediment I am not going to bother with a dictionary definition as this isn't an English dictionary question, so I will go with a scrum page > **The Impediment List** > >As soon as the first Sprint has started, each Team > Member can add the so-called impediments **(Blockers)** to a list. Each > Team Member announces their Blocker for the implementation of a task > as soon as it arises and places it in the list of Blockers. It is the > task of the Scrum Master to eliminate these Blockers. A Blocker may be > a framework condition, but could also be the wait for an unfinished > task. The Blocker is conveyed to the other Team Members in the Daily > Scrum Meeting and recorded in the Impediment List. so ***Please classify these tasks as Impediments/Blockers that must be completed by November.***