I wanted to tell my friend that I had skills in persuading people. I stood for 5 minutes just thinking whether I should say "**persuading skills**", "**persuasive skills**", or "**persuasion skills**". Also, "**manipulative skills**, **manipulation skills**, **manipulating skills**"? To decide which one to use, I went searching online dictionaries, and it just created further  confusion.

So my two-part question is as follows 

1- What is the deciding factor for which form of a word you choose before the word "skill" or "ability" and other nouns, for instance we say "**Negotiating skills Not negotiation skills**" or "**Communication skills Not communicative skills**" although you could say, according to many dictionaries, "**Communicative skills**"

2- If part one is answered, then could you tell me how this deciding factor could answer which form of a word should be used in the following:

> A. persuasive / persuading / persuasion skills
> B. problem-solution skills / problem-solving skills
> C. patience skills / patient skills"


If this question is better posed at ELU, please post a comment.