I'm trying to explain the grammar of > CJ Dennis had 2 edit suggestions approved to other people, however, the more I try to explain it, the more confused I get about it myself. The context is from our very own Stack Exchange network!: > **Reviewer Stats** > * user123 has approved 12 edit suggestions and rejected 7 edit suggestions and improved 3 edit suggestions * user456 has approved 9 edit suggestions and rejected 3 edit suggestions and improved 2 edit suggestions > **Editor Stats** > * CJ Dennis had 2 edit suggestions approved, and 0 edit suggestions rejected In all following examples, I will use bold for all verb forms, and additionally italics for past participles and adjectives. "had" by itself is usually simple past tense, however, "approved" is not an adjective but a past participle as the following changes show: > CJ Dennis **had** 2 edit suggestions _green_ (adjective is ungrammatical here) > CJ Dennis **had** 2 edit suggestions _**eaten**_ (past participle is grammatical here) So, does that make it past perfect: "had approved"? I don't think so, because the sentence appears to be a form of passive: > CJ Dennis **had** 2 edit suggestions _**approved**_ [by other users] I made the suggestions, but I didn't approve them myself; other people did. Also the appearance of a past participle doesn't necessarily imply past perfect: > The leaves _**eaten**_ [by the caterpillar] **were** _green_. This reduces to > The leaves **were** _green_. which is clearly simple past. It can also be simple present: > The leaves (partially) _**eaten**_ **are** _brown_ around the edges now. However, passive with "CJ Dennis" as the subject doesn't seem to fully make sense either, as the other users approved my edits, not me: > 2 edit suggestions **were** _**approved**_ [by other users] The passive seems to be on the edit suggestions. "had" appears to be being used in a possessive sense, i.e. these are how many I had. So, getting back to: > CJ Dennis **had** 2 edit suggestions _**approved**_ What is the tense, aspect, and mood of this sentence? Is it simple past or past perfect? Is it passive? Is "had" being used as an auxiliary verb or not?