In fact shortening is a kind of abbreviation. According to [MSN Dictionary][1] There are **four main kinds of abbreviations**: - **Shortenings** of words usually consist of the first few letters of the full form and are usually spelled with a final period when they are still regarded as abbreviations > *cont. = continued* > *bus = omnibus* > *taxi = taxicab* > *zoo = zoological garden* > *bike = bicycle* - **Contractions** are abbreviated forms in which letters from the middle of the full form have been omitted. > *Dr. = doctor* > *St. = saint or street* > *can't = cannot* > *didn't = did not* - **Initialisms** are made up of the initial letters of words and are pronounced as separate letters. > *CIA (or C.I.A.)* > *NYC* > *pm (or p.m.)* > *U.S. (or US)* - **Acronyms** are initialisms that have become words in their own right, or similar words formed from parts of several words. **They are pronounced as words rather than as a series of letters.** > *AIDS* > *laser* > *scuba* > *UNESCO* Please Visit this [link][2] to read more about abbreviation. [1]: [2]: