I am writing a document that I hope to show as a web page, and make available as a PDF that people might print. In the opening I have: "This document is an annotated guide to foo bar." While I presently referring to it as a 'document' that seems the wrong word for a web page. Is there a general word/phrase to categorize such something that someone might be reading on a web site/paper/pdf on computer? Words I have considered: - *document* - close, but a bit too redolent of traditional paper document. - *paper* - doesn't capture web page dimension. - *site* - only works if they are online. - *content* - anemic and too generic. Could be a painting for all we know. - *material* - is very close, but suffers from similar shortcoming to content. - *work* - also close, but a bit academic and generic. - [nothing] That is, just write "This is an annotated guide to foo bar." I am leaning toward this solution, which isn't a solution as much as avoiding the issue. **Related post* https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/161492/synonyms-for-content-in-publishing