Questions tagged [will-would]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can you marry me? vs Will you marry me?

I'm having a hard time explaining to my students "Can you marry me?" is not the right question to ask while proposing to someone. Likewise; "Will you dance with me?" sounds perfectly natural while "...
noudi alp's user avatar
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How to write an imagined, hypothetical future and consequences?

What is the best way to let a character speak about some hypothetical future and the resulting consequences? Example: If the Martians attacked, I'd fly the jet and you'd be my wing-man. You'd be ...
Rian's user avatar
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“He told me that Trump will/would win the re-election.” Will or Would?

He told that Trump {will/would} win the re-election. I know "will" should be used in the present tense. What is confusing me is that: his words were said in the past, but his statement is actually a ...
DamonL's user avatar
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Use of 'would' for evidentiality in American English

In American English, "would" is used more often than in British English. It seems that one reason is using 'would' for evidential use in American English. especially for indirect ...
Houman's user avatar
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Would vs Will usage in present tense

Can would be used like this - If you talk to him , you would find out how stupid he is . This could have been - " If you talked to him , you would find out how stupid he is " Second one is an ...
Archit's user avatar
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First Conditional sentence with would

Grammatically, when we construct a first conditional sentence, the if-clause is followed by a result clause with a "will" in it. However, in many formal texts written by native English ...
C.B's user avatar
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the use of will find/have or would find/have are the same or they have different meanings in the below sentences?

I am trying to say traveling brings opportunities to develop different skills. Which one is correct? Traveling is good... People would have/find the opportunity to develop ... People will have/find ...
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