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6 votes
2 answers

What could you call a library of medical images and other data relating to bones or skeletons?

I'm looking for a concise term for a library or collection including medical images of bones. More precisely it contains multimodal (e.g. X-ray and CT-scan) medical images of subsections of a skeleton ...
Jamie's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to convey a relation between a parameter and two things that it controls in opposite directions?

In writing the user manual for a piece of software, I'm trying to communicate the relationship between a numerical control, which I'll call frob, and two properties, which I'll call foo and bar. ...
margalo's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Terminology to distinguish between 'the user of some code (ie. developers)' and 'the end users of the application that that code creates'

The context here is for documentation for frontend tooling, libraries, etc. When writing such documentation we often refer to a 'user' as in 'When the user clicks X button, such and such occurs'. The ...
dwjohnston's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can we say "It is lagging hard" when software does not work well at all?

Can we say "It is lagging hard" when some software doesn't work well at all? I know other synonyms like: "It's glitchy" "It's buggy"
Ilya Kushlianski's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

An adjective for incertitude

Context: Without the tool X, writing programs in Java is a hard and time-consuming task with lots of incertitude. Here the incertitude means that programmers are not sure if their programs are correct,...
Thomas's user avatar
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4 answers

Can we say "It works rough" if software is not working properly?

Can we say "It works rough" if a demoed piece of software is in active development and may contain bugs thus still not working properly? I heard something like that from my PM (native ...
Ilya Kushlianski's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Quotation mark use (one word) in software engineering paper

I'm currently researching the origins of a well known software engineering model - the waterfall model. The paper most cited for the model didn't invent the model, but rather said that it doesnt work ...
Son Tung Duong's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

"Software rot" or is there a better term to convey the idea of a slow deterioration of software quality over time?

I just found this term Software rot, also known as bit rot, code rot, software erosion, software decay, or software entropy is either a slow deterioration ...
Qiulang 邱朗's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How do I describe a hierarchical relationship between software objects?

I'm trying to express a particular relationship between two software resources. The relationship is such that one of the resources is the "main" or "original" one and is required ...
jmach's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Using 'all' without a noun or pronoun [closed]

As far as I understand, 'all' should always be followed by a noun or pronoun, so the sentence 'I want to buy all' is incorrect. However, in computer games and mobile apps, I often see phrases like '...
Лара's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What is the name for a hardware equivalent of a Widget?

In graphical UI development, we have buttons, knobs, and sliders and the hypernym would be widgets. In computer hardware, we have buttons, knobs, and sliders and the hypernym would be ... for some ...
Hakanai's user avatar
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1 answer

Adjective for something using plug-ins

I'm looking for an adjective (preferably) that describes a software component as being capable of using plug-ins, or better yet, as only performing its function if it has been loaded with plugins. So, ...
smheidrich's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Opposite of "failover"

Our software "knows" to migrate itself to spare hardware in case the main hardware is damaged. The process of such a migration is called failover. When the main hardware is repaired the ...
LiMar's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

One word for upgrade and downgrade (or similar)?

As a software developer, I am working on a project with service tiers, such that a user may opt to switch their current subscription to a tier above or below it. A single module handles both "upgrade" ...
Peter Mghendi's user avatar
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5 answers

A better word for transforming a software project from start to finish

I ___ a (software) project from concept to implementation. "___" here refers to being solely responsible for all phases of the SDLC process for this project.
Gh0sT's user avatar
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1 answer

What’s the normal software-engineering adjective which means that a function tolerates bad input? [closed]

There's a term used in software engineering that I can't recall, but which usually describes a subroutine that tolerates bad input. For example, let's say there's some method that converts raw string ...
HeyJude's user avatar
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1 answer

The bug is fixed (in / at /with) version

Which preposition I should use when adding a short note to a trouble ticket when I want to say: "I have fixed the bug. App version contains the fix"? My ideas are (not sure if any of them is ...
John Smith's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Generic name for Production and Staging

In computer science, the environment in which software runs is called "development", "staging", and "production". I am faced with a piece of software that can only exist in one environment. It goes ...
Alexandre Santos's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Name for an item that is out of tolerance or over a threshold [closed]

I'm looking for a word to name an item that is outside a set tolerance. For example, I have to place a signpost within 3 feet of a building but I put it 4 feet away. That signpost is outside the ...
Mark Ireland's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

What is “software-intensive industry” in software engineering and business?

In the broad area of developing/giving/selling software as-is or as hidden part of some other products (such as cars ot airplanes), what is meant by the term software-intensive industry? A. Is it ...
user avatar
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1 answer

What is "first modify" in the following piece from a license text?

"You may redistribute the source code of this program subject to the condition that you do not first modify it in any way"
Max G.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How to say "Real-time" in regards to regular process

We have a software product which relies on a 3rd party API to give us our customers' hourly usage data. Though the usage is recorded and changes by the hour, the data which the API serves is updated ...
cloudpattern's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Readability index for videos

Is there an index for assessing video's difficulty for EFL (or for native speakers), similar to readability indices for text?
Razmik Badalyan's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Word for working with templates in a software setting

I am looking for a word for the concept of using a template in a software setting, in order to be able to edit e.g. multiple powerpoint slides with the same element in one place as opposed to editing ...
Toivo Säwén's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Dispatch jobs TO or FOR automatic risk assessment?

Do I need to Dispatch jobs TO automatic risk assessment or Dispatch jobs FOR automatic risk assessment UPD Dispatching a job is a correct way to say it. It's from software development :)
Denis Riabiy's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Does the term 'master' in git (the VC system) refer to slavery?

I think it's a good idea to replace slavery terms with alternatives when they refer to something else, like a database master and slave. Git is a software version control system with a branch concept....
iGEL's user avatar
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3 answers

What is its called when you buy a program or game and you can't use it anymore do to the devs shutting down the servers (an online game in my case)

What is its called when you buy a program or game and you can't use it anymore do to the devs shutting down the servers (an online game in my case) The only reason it will not work is do to the dev's ...
joshua rushold's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Which article should be used in documenting arguments to a software function

If I have a function, e.g., function processDirectory(input, relPath, output) {} And I want to document its parameters, shall I use the or an article? For example, input - the path to the source ...
user181157's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

A synonym for "software version which removed a feature"

I'm looking for a synonym for software version where a usable feature was removed: The new version is a ______, the only improvements are cosmetic, I'm staying at 2.9. The terms that come to mind ...
ordo's user avatar
  • 57
-1 votes
1 answer

Why are parallelizable tasks emberrassing? [closed]

Software developers often speak of "emberassingly parallel" tasks. Why is this adjective used in this phrase? What makes parallel tasks emberassing?
duhaime's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Code vs. Coding

Since a few years I hear and read the term the coding when they mean the code more and more often. Personally this sounds so absolutely wrong to me and I think it is. A few examples: "Can I have ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

"Business user" and "non-business user"?

I need to categorize users of a software system based on whether they use the software for work purposes or in their personal life. What should I call those categories? Here are some alternatives: ...
Arne Evertsson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Antonym for "formal methods"

In writing about verification techniques, I want to discuss formal methods vs. other methods (e.g., testing or code review). While informal is the generally the antonym of formal, referring to these ...
Ben Hocking's user avatar
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4 answers

Word for moving a program into a production environment

I work as a software developer, and after we finishing developing a program, we have to move it from the development environment into the production environment so that we can test it under real-world ...
Chromane's user avatar
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"X support for Y" or "Y support for X" for "X supports Y"?

Please see the following two sentences: JSON support for MySQL has been developed. MySQL support for JSON has been developed. Which one of this is correct? Background: MySQL is a database software. ...
Lone Learner's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is there a label that describes a person with whom I am sharing something [duplicate]

If I shared something with someone and you wanted to describe me in that context using only one word, you might call me the "sharer" or "owner". What word could the person I'm sharing with be called? ...
David's user avatar
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2 answers

Appropriate adjective for 'feature set'

Let's say I am comparing two software products. And one of them offers more features (functionality). What adjective would you use to describe the size of their feature sets? First program has larger/...
rluks's user avatar
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1 answer

Support for/of/to a specific standard or norm

I already checked this answer: "Support of" vs. "Support for" but since the context is not the same, I am not sure of the right answer. Here is the context: say that you are ...
HanniBaL90's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Proper call to action text for button: "Request system alert to be closed" [closed]

I'm working on an application. Sometimes, when performing certain tasks, something fires an "alert" (a message that something went wrong). The app notifies this and also gives the possibility to ...
Nahuel's user avatar
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2 answers

Clear/reset unsuccessful attempts

What do you think about the phrases below: Clear unsuccessful attempts Reset unsuccessful attempts Honestly, I like neither of them, but I can't think of any short alternative. This phrase is used ...
Don Draper's user avatar
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1 answer

Looking for a software development term describing the effort it takes to learn a new skill/framework

I want to say that the framework is designed for rapid development, maximal portability, and minimal [time-to-figure-out-how-to-use-it]. The idea is that it's very intuitive, so you don't need to ...
Joe Peraud's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Origin of phrase "cut a release"

In software development there is the phrase "cut a release," which means "to create a final package of software ready for distribution" and may include the distribution itself. I've used it for years ...
Alan De Smet's user avatar
33 votes
17 answers

Word for the opposite of a feature in software development. An unwanted feature

I'm wondering if there is a word for a software feature which is not wanted and negatively impacts the software/business using it? In my mind is not a bug as a bug is where something doesn't work as ...
Luke Cousins's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Programmer slang expression for "We'll cross the bridge when we get there"

What is the software industry word/term/phrase for the saying "We'll cross the bridge when we will get there"? I need to refer to a feature that can be deferred until its time comes. For ...
gawkface's user avatar
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Term for documentation/code/config

I am looking for a term that would succinctly combine "documentation", "code", "config", essentially "intellectual property", or IP, but IP sounds somewhat formal/legaleze to me, I'm wondering if ...
rr3tt's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is “kludge” a proper word to name a dirty hack in software development

There in software development, we sometimes use a solution, which is to prop the existing code up, not to fix the real cause of the problem. It might be called “dirty hack,” or “kludge.” It’s wry and ...
Aleksei Matiushkin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

a better expression or single word for "developer usabilty"

I am looking for a better english expression or single word that describes this: developer usabilty: the quality of language, tooling, IDE and APIs for frictionless development. example usages: The ...
bitbonk's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the appropiate pronoun for a program named after a woman? [closed]

In a technical document introducing an operating system named after a famous woman, I have to refer to the OS itself. I've consistently used "it/its" but some sentences sound a little weird. Is it ...
Giacomo Tesio's user avatar
5 votes
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Definition for client of client

As a software developer I regularly develop webbased applications commissioned by a client. I sell the intellectial ownership with it. As soon as it in production, this party lets his clients use it. ...
Jorrit Steetskamp's user avatar
2 votes
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Title text for showing a failed exam

I have an exam system which tells the examinee whether they have passed or failed. This is displayed in the form of a title, and descriptive text below. A failure is not necessarily a big deal, as ...
Dan's user avatar
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