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Questions tagged [single-word-requests]

This tag is for questions seeking a single word that fits a meaning. To ensure that your question is not closed as off-topic, please be specific about the intended use of the word.  INCLUDE A SAMPLE SENTENCE demonstrating how the word would be used.  Click on "Info", or "View Tag" and "Learn more..." for more information. Please use the [phrase-requests] tag if you seek a phrase and the [terminology] tag if you seek a term in a specialized subject also.

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4 answers

Noun for someone who is condescending or patronizing?

What noun can be used for a person who talks in a way that implies they are in the senior position? If someone often lectures other people, or acts like their listeners are their juniors or students, ...
minseong's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

What are the possible synonyms for 'reasonable'? [closed]

guys! I've browsed some scientific articles recently and came across a word denoting some action or enterprise that was 'reasonable, but could have some undesired consequences' or that it was sensible ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Non-hyphenated word for "equal-length" (not longer and not shorter)

Let's say we have two sequences A and B of differently coloured but equally big marbles. If A has fewer marbles than B, we say that A's length is smaller than B's, and we would say that A is shorter ...
Mew's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What's a word for an operation or protocol that doesn't really matter but is done out of habit, tradition, or law, ceremonial, perfunctory?

I'm looking for a word to describe an action, such as a vote by the board, that's required, but not meaningful because the issue is already settled, or the vote cannot but go a particular way. Just ...
Ray Coshow's user avatar
18 votes
13 answers

What's "the archetypal book" called?

If a book sets the standard of a field, i.e. it is the most important book that students of subject X would all read, what can that book be called? I've thought of gospel, archetype, exemplar, ...
minseong's user avatar
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9 votes
10 answers

Word for when someone tries to make others hate each other

Is there a single word in English that describes when someone tries to make others hate each other or fight? So, for example, If person A and B are neighbors, so in this situation Person C tries to ...
jaafar Nasrallah's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Scientific / academic word for date-rape for accounts involving someone asleep

There are a handful of Greek myths that I want to address in a professional tone that involve a divinity sexually exploiting a sleeping maiden. Sometimes these accounts are precipitated by the use of ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
5 votes
8 answers

Word to describe telling yourself that you are not, and will never be, good enough

If you are saying to yourself things like: You messed up this job. You are not good enough. It is your fault. You are the reason this happened. What's a word for when you are doing this to yourself?
Colin's user avatar
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3 answers

The word for a serious situation that doesn't look it [closed]

Is there a term or word for a very serious situation that doesn't look serious, like a situation that needs or should have been attended to as early as possible but wasn't, because it doesn't seems ...
Sowade Olayinka's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What is it called when the day and month you were born in are the same as the year? [closed]

For example: if some one were to be born on the 20th of January of 2001 20/01/2001(DD/MM/YYYY).
Anonymously Anonymous's user avatar
5 votes
9 answers

Word for a collection of awards, such as an Olympic athlete’s earned medals

Seems like there should be a word when referring to a person’s collection of earned awards. Example: I was awed by the display of Olympic athlete Michael Phelps’ collection of medals ______.
Basil Bourque's user avatar
8 votes
10 answers

How would you say a couple of letters (as in mail) if they're not necessarily letters?

I'm used to saying "a couple of pieces of mail". But thinking of it, "pieces" seems a bit strange. But "mails" sounds even stranger. And "packages" would be ...
ispiro's user avatar
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2 answers

What’s a word for deliberately slow and sexy?

I’ve been trying to spice up my word choice this and surprise myself. Right now I’m having writer’s block; I need a good word that describes doing something slow and sexy. Words like languid come to ...
user542884's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Noun form of Obsolescent

When a thing becomes obsolete, it is obsolescent. The process of a thing becoming obsolete is an obsoletion. What I'm looking for is a noun for a thing that that has become obsolete. As a parallel, ...
B2Pi's user avatar
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What is the word to describe someone that rise up from scratch? [duplicate]

I am looking for a word to describe someone that starts from zero and grow up out of something small. Like a plant growing out of a seed.
Hassen's user avatar
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2 answers

Word for Crediting the wrong Person

What is it called when you wrongly credit someone for an idea or work they didn't do? I remember that is often used when characters realize that the person they were crediting stole it from someone ...
OneQuestion's user avatar
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1 answer

The equivalent of a paraprosdokian at the beginning of sentence?

What is a literary technique that is like paraprosdokian but used at the beginning of the sentence for a similar effect? I'd love to know what the term for this is, and there are certainly styles of ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What's the counterpart to "spheroid" for a circle? There's no "circoid"

I'd like to know for the word for a deformed circle. Considering the prevalence of "spheroid", I'm amazed that I've been unable to locate an equivalent for a circle. I realize that, ...
RokeJulianLockhart's user avatar
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Is there any word for a person who is not updated on new things? because outdated doesnt sound very right to use

I want to use a word that is similar to outdated but not outdated because it does not sound very right if we are referring to a human. Example: "She is too outdated to know what is happening ...
dhimahi's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to describe someone who acts like they are of a higher social class while they are not? [duplicate]

I want to know the adj that describe someone who acts like they are of a higher social class while they are not.
sina's user avatar
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1 answer

What are the words that mean to make something (look) smaller?

There are plenty of words that means to make something (look) bigger, but I can't find their exact antonyms. magnify - make something look bigger enlarge - make something bigger zoom in - move the ...
Victor's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Is there a word/phrase that describes things people say to be "the smartest person in the room"? [duplicate]

Examples would be (1) The tomato is not a vegetable (2) Washington didn't really cut the Cherry Tree (3) no evidence that Marie Antoinette said "let them eat cake"
S K's user avatar
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1 answer

What is a verb for "to hold or carry food in one’s pocket/pouch for some time"?

There is a verb in French called pocheter. Its meaning (taken from here), as well as an English translation, are as follows. Serrer, porter pour quelque temps dans sa poche. Il ne se dit proprement ...
Micheal Gignac's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Literary term for Subversion of Expectations? [closed]

Is there a literary term for subversion of expectations, or is it just that?
BarperB's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Bad to Badly, please help

What is it called when you change bad to badly? Bad is an adjective and badly is an adverb. What is the process of changing from an adjective to an adverb called? Is it conjugation?
Kelsey's user avatar
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9 votes
13 answers

Word to classify what powers a god is associated with?

I need a word to classify the things that a god is the god of. Lets take Zeus and lightning for example. If Zeus is god of lighting, what does that make lightning to him. It is one of his ???. For a ...
Hamish's user avatar
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What is it called when the inference is biased internally but accurate externally?

Let say you are to make some inference about something, say a population. Typically you would take a small sample of that population and then make some inference. How you analyze that sample basically ...
Brian Smith's user avatar
4 votes
8 answers

What is a word/phrase that best describes a "blatant disregard or neglect" for something, but with the connotation of that they should have known?

There's a word/phrase that I feel is on the tip of my tongue. How would you describe someone being unacceptably neglectful, disregarding, unprepared, or purposefully acting irresponsibly? Similar to ...
Sam Sabin's user avatar
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0 answers

Term for a person who can access someone's information on their behalf, but not make decisions for them

I work for an insurance administrator, and I am creating a form for the clients to grant access to someone else (usually, but not exclusively, a spouse) to have permission to access information from ...
Thérèse Barrett's user avatar
5 votes
7 answers

What type of concept is "mad scientist"?

What is the category that "mad scientist" belongs to? I think "mad scientist" is a concept that is understood by every member of a particular culture, it puts the same image into ...
minseong's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Better term for a stop on the route? [closed]

I am working on a software project and have a problem to find a name for entity that holds location (address, longitude, latitude etc) and time range (from time, to time). The location entity is ...
AlexR's user avatar
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14 votes
9 answers

Word/phrase for avoiding a task because it has a lot of unknowns

Have you ever needed to do a task/chore that has a lot of unknowns, and because of that it created a mental barrier to getting started? For example, You have to clean out a shed but you can't even ...
Mahkoe's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

What's another word for utopian [closed]

I've forgotten what it was, but I know there was a word used creatively in the 19th or early 20th century to describe in a mocking way the wishful thinking, and wildly optimistic expansive progressive ...
Luke S's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Is there a name for words that differ only in character case?

How can I to refer to the difference between Hello and hello? These words strings aren't exactly duplicates. What are they? The context is I am writing software that needs to handle case-insensitivity....
HairOfTheDog's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Term for someone who dislikes many things vocally [duplicate]

I'm looking for a term that describes someone who not only dislikes many things or categories of things, but expresses these dislikes frequently. I'd prefer a noun, but an adjective will do. The ...
user528999's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

What is a word for someone who uses power/authority for good? [closed]

I am looking for a word or term for someone who is powerful or holds authority and also uses it with good morality.
Finley's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

A word combining 'menacing' and 'trashy'

I'm doing some proofreading and suggestions for a friend who's writing a book. In it, a rather vanilla middle-class white male American sees a Gothy punk woman (I'm butchering his description) with a ...
user528510's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

I'm looking for a word that describes someone who dislikes change/is afraid of it [duplicate]

I'm looking for a word that describes someone who dislikes change even while their current situation is less than favorable and keeps things even if they are old, worn and crumbling. The closest thing ...
Adrian.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Word that describes whether a cost is per item or for the total

As per the title, if I'm in a grocery store and there is a basket of 10 apples and a sign that simply says $1, that might mean $1 per apple or $1 for the whole basket. Is there a single word that ...
Gerard's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Single word for 'listening history' [closed]

I am beginning a software project to track one's listening history—that is, a record or timeline of the auditory media one has listened to. See for an example of an existing service that ...
Jesse Looney's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there a word or expression that describes a person who demands that something needs to be a certain way yet they wont help to get it that way?

For example: If someone demanded to another person that they will only communicate with them using a specific phone app and is fully aware that this person is unable or has forgotten the group ...
Jason's user avatar
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1 answer

To Find a Word Beginning with B: Adjective, in the Shape of a Grape [closed]

Probably spelled like biutyrial (only a reference), not included in dictionaries. But I remembered I have seen an article on about different shapes and funny insults. There are ...
findaword's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Word or idiom to describe clothes colours that don't match

In Arabic, when somebody is wearing clothes that ridiculously don't match colour-wise, and therefore the person looks goofy, we describe their mismatched clothing as "zaraq waraq" - That ...
E.Groeg's user avatar
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Is there a word for feeling both intense panic and peace at the same time?

I'm looking for a word which describes the feeling of peace and panic at the same time. I get this feeling a lot when I'm looking up a the stars, or when I'm underwater. I saw somebody call is '...
Victoria's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What is the general term for terms that end in -ian, -ist etc.?

All the terms with a definition starting with 'One who... ', what is the term to describe these terms? Like, Occupation is the general term for a particular line of work; Mechanic, Doctor, Dentist, ...
EMS's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a word in English specifically for any dream during sleep? [closed]

The word dream have two main dictionary meanings: a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping something that you want to happen very much but that is not very likely ...
halt9k's user avatar
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Whats is a word to describe a (non-food) product that has an expiry date in a technical/system documentation context?

I'm currently writing up documentation for an internal computing system that manages medical products. These products have a shelf-life or expiry date that is set by the manufacturer but they tend not ...
Sanger99's user avatar
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2 votes
6 answers

I’m looking for a word that describes a decision being imposed on you unwillingly [closed]

A word that implies a decision has been imposed on you against your will and perhaps accepted against your better judgment.
Duncan's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

Is there a better word for 'anonymity' here? [closed]

This is the sentence: The Festival was the reason he had chosen this place to enter the country, the safety and 'anonymity' it provided would make his further travels much smoother. Some context: ...
EMS's user avatar
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11 votes
11 answers

What is a proper word for (almost) identical products?

In my language we say "these products are analogues (of each other)" meaning they are similar to be point of being identical. For example, when procuring equipment, one may argue that we can ...
Mike's user avatar
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