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Commas, commas everywhere and not a proper comma placed!

I'm a complete imbecile when it comes to grammar. Could someone kindly help me properly place the punctuation in this sentence: Hi, I'm a lost cause, people! Hi; I'm a lost cause, people! Hi! I'm a ...
le guest's user avatar
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Punctuating a salutation on a line by itself [duplicate]

In a salutation on a line by itself, which version is punctuated correctly? Hi, Mr Lawler, I am writing to say [...] Hi Mr Lawler, I am writing to say [...] Hi, Mr Lawler. I am ...
whippoorwill's user avatar
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Salutation punctuation: is "Hi!," okay? [closed]

A friend of mine uses both an exclamation mark and a comma in his letter salutations, like so: Hi George!, I have never seen this before, and was wondering if it's grammatically kosher. Thoughts?
user25724's user avatar