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relative pronouns and subject and verb agreement

My cousin is one of those people who (love, loves) to eat pizza. According to the rules of grammar, the relative pronoun "who" refers to the plural noun "people". Therefore, the correct verb choice ...
William Lemoine's user avatar
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In what ways did the points made by the writer in the introduction contradict/contradicts her conclusion?

In what ways did the points made by the writer in the introduction contradicts her conclusion? (In the question listed above, shouldn't "contradicts" be written as "contradict" - since we are ...
Chris's user avatar
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Is this an inversion? If so, why would you use an inversion in this case?

Here's a quote from a CNN transcript, wherein a consumer psychologist says the following: "What is relatively new are shoppers turning on other shoppers." If "what is relatively new" were the subject,...
JK2's user avatar
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S-V agreement: It is not clear what is/are meant by A and B

In the following sentence, the verb “are” strikes me as odd. In paragraph 6, it is not clear what are meant by “the front unit” and “the central element”. It seems that “. . . it is not clear ...
curious-proofreader's user avatar