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"Many children don't play ball" or "Many children doesn't play ball" [closed]

I'm still learning English and the topic which I learn is about simple present tense. I'm learning from channel learnenglishlab. But there is one video I don't understand why it using do rather than ...
Muhammad Syabani Falif's user avatar
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"The solution would be that he go and talk."

Just need to confirm if this construction is correct. Would also really appreciate it if it could be broken down too from a grammatical perspective. Many thanks!
Uhtvhiuhh's user avatar
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What role is the verb in the sentence?

The sentence is: "When a static or dynamic function call FC is evaluated with respect to a static context SC and a dynamic context DC, the result is obtained as follows.". This sentence is quoted from ...
cmf41013's user avatar
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'When you say you 'did XYZ', could you tell me more?' - What tense is this?

As a poor example: Person A: 'I really liked cats when I was a child.' Person B: 'When you say you "liked cats", could you tell me more?' Person A: 'Blah blah.' I'm really wondering about the tense ...
user349281's user avatar
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What verb tense does the phrase "is been living" belong to? [closed]

I have seen the following phrase: We're been living here since April. And I'm confused what is the verb tense that is used here. I thought it might be Present Perfect Continuous, which is a ...
Mostafa Talebi's user avatar
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Which tense should use? Present Perfect or Past?

Whici of the following sentence is correct? "I have talked with him today and he said that he is well" or "I talked with him today and he said that he is well" Which tense I need to use at the ...
Safwan Rahman's user avatar
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"Decided to do X the next time she went for a walk" vs. "...the next time she goes for a walk"

I came across this sentence in the book Grammar Essentials for Dummies which confused me. The lion with a thorn in her paw decided to wear sneakers the next time she went for a walk in the jungle. ...
Rejinderi's user avatar
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"They knew what mercy is" vs. "they knew what mercy was"

They knew what mercy is. They knew what mercy was. Mercy is something that always exists so can I say is as in the quoted example?
nicholas ainsworth's user avatar
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Why is the past tense used in "I was wondering if you would like to come for dinner?" and "Did you want to go to the cinema tonight?" [duplicate]

Why isn't the present tense used? I am wondering if you would like to come for dinner. Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?" seem more felicitous, but the versions couched in the past are ...
LeafGlowPath's user avatar
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