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Questions tagged [predicate]

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Grammatically equivalent sentences, for use in symbolic logic

Initially posted to Math Stack Exchange: HERE I believe that English grammar expertise is needed as well. Is the statement: No student is friendly but not helpful. Equivalent to: A There ...
auerbachb's user avatar
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What else did you think it stood for? vs stand for? vs stands for? [closed]

I'm confused about what tense the verb in the predicate of a question should take. Which of the following versions of stand should be used? What else did you think it stood for? What else did you ...
ayjay's user avatar
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Are nonrestrictive elements considered part of the subject or part of the predicate?

Wolves, hunted to extinction in Wyoming and Montana in the twentieth century, occupy a vital place in the natural cycle of the area. In the above sentence, is the nonrestrictive element hunted to ...
Nicole's user avatar
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Parts of this Sentence

I have the following questions regarding this sentence. To train them is my cause. What is/are the verb(s) in the sentence? My guess: train. Question: only train or to train? What is subject and ...
Rico's user avatar
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Can a phrase be the object of a clause and how would its subject change? [duplicate]

Take the sentence: I speak all over to whoever will listen. first blush, I thought, "Ah — whoever should be whomever." However, I then noted that in the phrase "whoever will listen", ...
fordareh's user avatar
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Predicate adjective acceptable with "to do"

"I did good on the test." vs. "I did well on the test." The first example sounds fine to me, and the second a bit pedantic. Is the first example standard American English and, secondly, is "good" ...
Michael Owen Sartin's user avatar
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What is a predicative phrase?

What is meant by the 'predicative position' when it refers to a part of a sentence?
badspell's user avatar
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Finding the complete predicate

I am having trouble understand why the first part of the sentence provided is part of the complete predicate? From the Appalachian Mountains, the land falls gradually to great river valleys to ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Issues with predicate nominative

As far as my understanding goes, English does have a predicate nominative for the copula to be as well as semantically related words (to become, to seem) if the entity in question plays the role of ...
Emanuel's user avatar
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