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Questions tagged [phobias]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What is a term for "fear of very large enclosed spaces"?

I'm intrigued by a hybrid of "agoraphobia" (which would be more accurately referred to as "kenophobia") and "claustrophobia," described by H. P. Lovecraft like this: Of ...
MaudPieTheRocktorate's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a word for the fear that one might be a hypochondriac?

This seems like a fundamental thing that would have a word for it—oftentimes one worries about a health condition, but then one is afraid to get it looked into as one is afraid of being a ...
Jun-Dai Bates-Kobashigawa's user avatar
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What's a word for "fear of breaking the law" or "fear of breaking rules"?

There are many great "-phobia" words, but I need one to mean "fear of breaking the law" or "fear of breaking rules"? Example intended usage from my article: "There ...
Laska's user avatar
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