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Were to find synonymous for very + adjective?

As an exercise, I am going thorough I paper I wrote and trying to replace all (or most) adjectives in the form of "very + adjective" with a word. I feel that if done good this would greatly improve my ...
Ant's user avatar
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Is there such a thing as an idiom thesaurus that delivers synonymous phrases? [closed]

Is there a resource that anyone knows of that is a searchable idiom list that can provide synonymous phrases for idioms. For example, I saw on your site: step-by-step, day-by-day, inch-by-inch, and ...
Kirk Orr's user avatar
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Which thesaurus best describes the differences between several similar words? [closed]

Which thesaurus (online or paper) best describes the differences between several similar words? As a non-native English speaker, it is often difficult for me to distinguish the slightly different ...
czh's user avatar
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English synonym online database?

Is there a good english synonym database available in the Internet? I imagine that it should work like a translator: you enter a word and synonyms for this word are displayed. The reason for asking ...
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