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"We can able to" or "we are able to" [duplicate]

Can someone tell me if "we can able to" or "we are able to" is the correct usage? I feel the latter is correct. However, I noticed the former usage in a few write ups and emails.
Nithin's user avatar
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could versus be able

Let me start by saying what is written in grammar books on this issue and after that I will put my question. (Take heed that this usage of "could" ONLY refers to the past and ONLY to affirmative ...
user1425's user avatar
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How would you use "can" in a future sentence?

If you purchase this then you will be able to do that. How can I write the quoted statement using can?
Chankey Pathak's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

"will be able to" vs. "can"

Consider the following: He will be able to do it. He can do it. They mean the same thing, right? Can "can" replace "will be able to" in any sentence? What is the difference, if anything? Why ...
language hacker's user avatar