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Questions tagged [italics]

Use for questions about italics (In typography, italic type is a cursive typeface based on a stylized form of calligraphic handwriting)

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How would you write a new word with stress on a syllable in dialogue?

I am not able to find the answer to this by googling. I am writing dialogue for a fiction story. I have a few new words I have made up and want to stress a certain syllable in them. For example: &...
bernie's user avatar
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The use of italics/citation marks for metalanguage

I've been taught that when words are used metalinguistically, they should be marked either with italics or with double quotation marks. Examples: Dog is a noun. Verlan is the name of a kind of ...
Mooshi's user avatar
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Italics Usage in Dictionaries

I've only recently realized that the example sentences in many English dictionaries are italicized. And I've yet to find out any other medium that uses italics in examples. What is the history of ...
salix's user avatar
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Quotation marks or italics for foreign word...or both in certain context?

When a foreign word is used for the first time in text, it is generally italicized (or put in quotation quotes as an alternative). Is it ever correct to use both italics and quotation marks when the ...
Amy A.'s user avatar
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Definite article, italics/quotations for a document name?

The below text is an extract from a document titled Technical Specification 13 Meter Harbor Tug. Is it sufficient to have the title capitalized or do I need to put it into italics/quotes when ...
Jure Bebic's user avatar
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How do you mark English words originally used by a non-native author in an English translation?

An artist has written memoirs in his native language with some English words and phrases scattered here and there (some might even have spelling / grammar mistakes). His memoirs are translated into ...
Lis's user avatar
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Should sayings within a quote be set apart by single quotes, italics, or in some other way?

In the following quote: “We try not to be overly flashy when taking solos,” band leader Ricardo said. “The principles that come to mind are ‘don't blow all your cookies in the first bar’ and ‘keep it ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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Is [sic] italicized in a quoted sentence that is italicized?

Is [sic] italicized in a quoted sentence that is italicized, and should I use [sic] after the word gonna? "If we let you stay here, we're gonna [sic] get phone calls all night." Or should it ...
Tommy O'Neill's user avatar
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Quotation marks vs Italics for sourcing articles

I wanted to source an online article (just a regular one, not part of a longer work) and was unsure whether to use quotation marks or italics. I know that it is generally advised to use quotation ...
Tech333's user avatar
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Capitalization for unique title and quotations trickiness in inner thought

So, I have been writing and wonder whether to capitalize the word "master." No rush here, I know that without name the word like this won't be capitalized. But if it use as a substitute for ...
Gerry Giovan's user avatar
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How to highlight model or category names in scientific text (if they are ordinary words)?

For example, there are two sentences The government is considering that the crisis will follow a soft scenario ... Dr. Jones has calculated soft and hard crisis scenarios. The input data was ... In ...
Serge's user avatar
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Sarcasm within thoughts

When I write sarcasm, I put it in italic writing, like; what a beautiful sweater. I also do this when writing third person perspective characters like; he's ugly. But what if the character is thinking ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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Italics for dish names or herb names

Suppose I want to use words like idli, dosa, dal, sambhar...which are generic dishes- like one would say pancakes in English, should it be in italics? What about names of special ingredients? Thanks ...
Gurpreet K Sekhon's user avatar
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Mention vs use of a word

In some cases it's not intuitive whether a word is mentioned or used, so it's difficult determining whether to write the word as normal or to use italics / quotation marks. Two examples: When you ...
Angelorf's user avatar