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Questions tagged [ipa]

International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA)

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Pronunciation of Emma and Emma's

According to Wiktionary, Emma is pronounced as /ˈɛmə/ but I tend to hear it sounding more like /ˈɛmɑː/. However, when it comes to pronouncing Emma's, I hear it like /ˈɛməz/ and I hear a clear schwa ...
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Pronunciation difference between "night rate" and "nitrate"

On English allophones on Wikipedia, there is an example of the pronunciation differences between "night rate" and "nitrate", Night rate: unreleased [ˈnʌɪt̚.ɹʷeɪt̚] (without a word ...
Qian's user avatar
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I am looking for a reverse API tool

I'm looking for a tool for write the sound of the word (phonetic) and have all the words that have that sound. It's very usefull when people don't use the good sounds or to know what a native speaker ...
Frédéric Roy's user avatar
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Connected speech resources

I am very interested in British pronunciation, so I am looking for resources about connected speech and IPA in general. The ideal would be a book with the transcription of dialogues or just ...
Duns's user avatar
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Different pronunciations of "-ead"/"-ed"/"-aid" words

I find that American/British English dialects tend to pronounce words like "bed", "red", "dead", "bred", "said", etc. with the exact same vowel sound: the IPA ɛ vowel (- and so this question may seem ...
KlingonPigeon's user avatar
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Are both "How did you" and "Howdja" used?

How did you get here? [ 'haʊ dɪdʒʊ 'gɛt hɪər? ] I took the bus. How did you get here? [ 'haʊdʒə 'gɛt hɪər? ] I took the train. My question: are both "haʊ dɪdʒʊ" and "haʊdʒə" used in American English?...
Zoltan King's user avatar
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Why don't you [tʃʊ]

What phonological processes take place in the pronunciation of Why don't you as as just [tʃʊ]?
GJC's user avatar
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Words Listed by Vowel Sound

I'm working on a libretto for a vocal composition which makes use of vowel formants. It's important that all of the singers can produce exactly the same vowel sound, so I'm using IPA symbols. I'm ...
Lucas W's user avatar
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pronunciation of the 'ous' in dangerous

When I look up the word dangerous, the IPA spellings almost always show up as /ˈdānj(ə)rəs/ Maybe it's regional (Southern Ontario), but I don't encounter that pronunciation lot. And I probably use it ...
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Can someone help me with the transcription of the word ´mother´? (IPA)

I am really not sure whether the word ´mother´ should be transcribed like this: ´mʌðə´ or like this ´mɒðə´. In my opinion, the second one sounds better. The word mother is similarly pronounced as for ...
MIa's user avatar
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