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Questions tagged [hypernyms]

A hyperonym is a word whose definition includes the definition of another word (its hyponym).

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5 answers

Is there one word that clearly describes the difference in kind for these four types?

I am stuck on a word choice problem. I have a large amount of response related data, which were previously stored such that each datum lay within one of the following realms: law enforcement health ...
jnewman's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the hypernym of Earnings and Deduction? [duplicate]

If Earnings means an item that adds value to any stack. And, If Deductions means any item that subtracts value from any stack. Then what single <word> can be an either Earning or Deduction? ...
A. K. Tolentino's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Hypernym for "profile" and "preference" in the context of dating or match-making [closed]

The context is love-matching or match-making. I am looking for one term/word to address a dating/mating condition that people would have when matching. It's more complicated and thorough than a ...
Hao's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Hypernym for "phrase" and "gesture"

Is there a hypernym for phrase and gesture — that is, a word for an abstract action of communication performed by a person? For context, I am looking for a term to use in a computer program, rather ...
sarnesjo's user avatar
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1 answer

Things we put on the left side of lists

I'm looking for an umbrella term (hypernym) that covers the things we put on the left side of lists — bullets, numbers, letters, etc. Is there such a word?
Rudolf Adamkovic's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Alternative for the word "options" as in "extra purchase possibilities to go with a booking"

Is there a better alternative to the word options when referring to "extra purchase possibilities next to a booking you have already made"? For instance, you can think of food and beverages, ...
Raoul's user avatar
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3 answers

What is an overall term for a service that publishes digital publications?

I'm looking at what I am calling Digital Edition Solution Providers (ways of taking a PDF of a magazine and turning it into a website, and content for sale on Apple Newsstand, Android, KindleFire etc.)...
leeand00's user avatar
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2 answers

Need a generic term for "model types" and "platforms" [closed]

We are a team of 2 developing a web application. It allows scientists to upload files with measurement data. My question is about how we should name one kind of metadata. An uploaded file might be ...
Daniel Böhmer's user avatar
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0 answers

Analog for 'side', but for front vs. rear [duplicate]

I wish to name a property that expresses whether something is in the front or at the rear. This term has to be used together with 'side' without causing ambiguity. Much like 'side' can be left or ...
xtofl's user avatar
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-1 votes
0 answers

Hypernym for cash flow directions [duplicate]

Is there a specific accounting-oriented hypernym for the directions of cash flow, i.e. debit and credit?
Warwick's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Hypernym for webstore features? [closed]

Behold the following list: Special Offers Free Products New Arrivals Restocked Items Limited Stock These are all... what? Offers? Categories? Filters? Marketing Ploys?
neokio's user avatar
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