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What's the semantic content of the word "yo" in the speech of Jesse from Breaking Bad, and in which dialects is this construct found in the real world

So I've been watching breaking bad. A really interesting dialectical feature of the character Jesse, is his use of the word "yo". At first I thought nothing of it, it's just "slang&...
Some_Guy's user avatar
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Usage of hain't

According to, ain't has two meanings: Nonstandard except in some dialects. am not; are not; is not. Nonstandard. have not; has not; do not; does not; did not. When I lived ...
Kit Z. Fox's user avatar
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How commonly does "done" replace "did"?

How common is it for native English speakers to actively replace the past tense 'did' with the past participle 'done'? I used to think it was only really done in rather vulgar dialects, but I have ...
Jez's user avatar
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Guidelines for the use of the slang term "cise"

I heard an unfamiliar regional slang word used thusly: I'm gonna go cise (rhymes with ice) me a sandwich and then I'll be back. When I questioned the user, the speaker insisted it has been around ...
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