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6 answers

How does one properly hyphenate compound adjectives that are locations?

Compound adjectives preceding a noun are hyphenated, but how does one properly hyphenate locations? Please include sources. E.g. hyphenated, compound adjective: state-of-the-art technology city, ...
RubeOnRails's user avatar
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Use of the en dash instead of the hyphen in compound adjectives

I have the following taken from a paper that I am editing: … proposed a water-filling factor aided search method to solve … My question is related to whether I should use an en dash to connect the ...
Robert Astle's user avatar
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En dash with compound adjectives (problem)

I frequently encounter cases, such as the ones below, where you seemingly have two hyphenated compound adjectives modifying a noun. I know that in such cases that you should join the compound ...
Robert Astle's user avatar
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Hyphenation of a phrasal attributive with an open compound: "A B to C noun"

I'm wondering how to properly hyphenate (or en-dash) the following phrase: fiber optic to BNC converter That is to say, a device that converts "fiber optic" to BNC. If it didn't contain an open ...
Cerran's user avatar
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