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Questions tagged [aphorism-requests]

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What’s a pithy saying expressing that those more ready to find fault in others do so because they are more inclined to a self-serving viewpoint? [closed]

I am looking for a colorful folk saying or poetic aphorism which succinctly expresses the idea that when someone is unhesitantly ready to let you know how bad and in the wrong you are about something, ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Is there a kind aphorism for someone who has made a mistake, been forgiven, but shouldn't be given responsibility?

I'm trying to explain a situation where a person has made a mistake. They have made up for their mistake. They have been forgiven. The wise boundary is not to give them responsibility for the area in ...
hawkeye's user avatar
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Aphorism equivalent to this one

In Russian, there's an aphorism that says roughly this: No matter how many times you repeat the word "sweet", you won't feel sweeter in your mouth Meaning that attempt to deceive oneself into ...
wvxvw's user avatar
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Catchy phrase: looking at something from several different perspectives

What is the catchy phrase or an aphorism, or a buzzword, or an idiom with the meaning of looking at something from several different perspectives? In particular, I am looking for something that is ...
Mihail's user avatar
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What’s a good phrase or id­iom sim­i­lar to "go­ing in blind" or "jump­ing in the deep end"?

A while ago I had a con­ver­sa­tion with a col­league of mine, and we’re talk­ing about an ap­pli­cant who ap­plied for a po­si­tion that he does not have any back­ground knowl­edge of, no ex­pe­ri­...
rednryt's user avatar
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Right Good but Left Bad [closed]

While examining the definition/etymology of the adjective sinister, I noticed its senses of EVIL, ILL-FORTUNE, and general inauspiciousness, as well as explicit references to the noun/adjective LEFT. ...
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Good/functional but can do better

I'm looking for an aphorism communicating the thought that "this works, but we can do better". Some high-falutin language like Shakespeare or Blake would be ideal.
numberwang's user avatar
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Is there a set phrase for being polite to a person only when they are present?

Is there a saying or proverb for when a person or group of people act politely and with respect towards a certain member of a group in front of a person of respect or elder, and then acts with ...
Jean-Luc's user avatar
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"Made a rhyme without effort" in English from Spanish "Hice verso sin esfuerzo"

In Spanish we can say "Hice verso sin esfuerzo", which means something along the lines of "I made a rhyme without effort", whilst rhyming. What would be an English equivalent of this phrase? I've ...
greduan's user avatar
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Phrase/word that is a synonym to "Question Everything"

What are some phrase/word synonyms for the phrase 'Question Everything'. My friend came up with nullius in verba, which I really like, and I was wondering what others are out there? Edit (from ...
jlars62's user avatar
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Similar idioms to "When the cat's away, the mice will play"

I wonder if there is any similar idioms to "When the cat's away, the mice will play." I searched on a few websites (the free dictionary,, and cambridge.) but there was no suggestions ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Idioms / Proverbs - forgetting bad things, value of an ordinary life

I've got two questions but they're very similar - looking for English idioms / proverbs. (1) A proverb that means about the same as 好了疮疤忘了痛 (Chinese, lit. to forget the pain after the wound is healed)...
Mel's user avatar
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