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3 votes
2 answers

Alternative for "as high as" for an academic text [duplicate]

I am writing a scientific paper that was sent to a language revision (proofreading) service. Unfortunately, the whole process runs via a web portal so that it is not possible for me the reply to the ...
daniel.heydebreck's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to say something like "A is x times as much likely ..."? [duplicate]

How to accurately, unambiguously and concisely say something in the following cases: Case 1. The predictor is significant, with 1.5615 times as much likely to get higher scores when it is true. Case ...
colinfang's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

Is "Four times more" grammatically correct? And, if so, what precisely does it mean?

I have 10 beans. Jim has four times more. Is this a valid sentence? And, if so, does it mean Jim has 40 or 50 beans?
Urbycoz's user avatar
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B is 4, A is 10 times more, is A 44? [closed]

B is 4, A is 10 times more, is A 44? I am really confused by "times" and "more" or "better".
Steven's user avatar
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Usage of twice and two times with "size"

Below are taken from a grammar book. a) The Earth is about **four times as big as** the moon. = The Earth is about **four times bigger than** the moon. b) The Earth is about twice as big as ...
Grizzly's user avatar
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Twice as likely or twice more likely

Recently I read about a sentence on a test. "Men suffering anxiety are twice as likely to get cancer." I wonder if I can also use 'twice more likely' in the sentence. If not, please tell me why '...
Gloria's user avatar
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What is the best way to say "A is 4 times as large as B"? [closed]

In my paper I will use the phrase "A is 4 times as large as B" very often. I find this tedious. Is there some more elegant way to express the idea?
Zongyi Zhao's user avatar
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Has the illogical "three times bigger" replaced "three times as big" in common usage?

If A is one time bigger than B, it is equal to 2B. So if A is three times bigger than B, it is equal to 4B. Yet I am seeing "two times bigger" to mean "twice as large" in more and more places. Any ...
Joel Orr's user avatar
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A is 8 times older to B

A is 8 times older to B Does this mean (a) A's age = 8 * B's age or (b) A's age = A's age = 8 * B's age + B's age? Similarly what is the meaning of A is 8 times older than B?
Kiran's user avatar
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Do I replicate an experiment n times or n-1 times for a total of n experiments

I have an simulation I want to run a total of n times. (I defined the parameters of the simulation myself, so it's not something from someone else I am trying to duplicate.) Do I then say that I ...
cassava's user avatar
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“Have twice the” question

This is how I say it: “You have twice the experience I have” to me it feels right, but searching examples on the net, I don’t quite find a similar example. I could rephrase. I think these are safe: ...
AbsolutelyFreeWeb's user avatar
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* times (adjective) than [duplicate]

I keep reading the phrase 10 times lighter than..... or similar. This quote is current: "Plastic containers are cheaper to make and 15 times lighter than glass ones, says Dairy Crest". This can not be ...
Christopher Brown's user avatar
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When to use "than" and "of" in comparative sentences [duplicate]

The self-storage industry has three times the footprint than McDonald’s. Or: The self-storage industry has three times the footprint of McDonald’s.
paul's user avatar
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Sentence comparison

According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the Association of American Medical Colleges, minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in ...
Mengxuan Fu's user avatar