Linked Questions

2 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between "neurologic" and "neurological"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why is it “geometric” but “theoretical”? A Google search was not immediately helpful, but I found this document:
aelephant's user avatar
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What is the difference between words like "historic" and "historical," and "instructive" and "instructional?" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why is it “geometric” but “theoretical”? They're all adjectives, so how do you know when to use one over the other? Does it matter? I think it does...
OnWords's user avatar
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2 answers

The use of the suffix -al in adjectives [duplicate]

As a non- native speaker of English, I often find myself struggling with the usage of the suffix -al in adjectives. For instance, what's the difference between the words "historic" and "historical", "...
Raisa's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the difference between -ic and -al? [duplicate]

Is there a defined difference between words like "egotistic" and egotistical" or "manic" and "maniacal" in that one could have a manic smile or maniacal laughter and other words that have similar ...
SophArch's user avatar
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What are the rules for the use of words that have a variant ending in -al? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why is it “geometric” but “theoretical”? “Electric” vs. “electrical” I think I'm clear on the difference between word pairs ...
Mike Partridge's user avatar
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"-ic versus -ical" what's the difference in meaning between adjectives ending in -ic or -ical? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why is it “geometric” but “theoretical”? “Ironic” vs. “ironical” “Comic” vs. “comical” “Historic” vs. “historical” What's the difference for instance between ironic/...
user avatar
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2 answers

logic/logical, arithmetic/arithmetical operators [duplicate]

Is it logic operators or logical operators / arithmetic operators or arithmetical operators. I'd expect both cases to be the same (either have the al suffix or not), and I usually check Google when I"...
Juan's user avatar
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What's the difference between suffix "c" and "cal" in adjectives? [duplicate]

I know there is a difference in meaning between "economic" and "economical" but what about "geographic" and "geographical" or "analytic" and "analytical"?
raisa's user avatar
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Why do some words have suffixes -ic and -ical and how are they different? [duplicate]

At the moment I am thinking of the word historic vs. historical. Fantastic and fantastical are another set. When is it appropriate to use each word, and why doesn't the suffix -ical exist with words ...
Jason P Sallinger's user avatar
49 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between "electric" and "electrical" and their usage?

What is the difference between electric and electrical and their usage? For example, what is the difference between "electrical machine" and "electric machine"?
Computist's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

Difference between "classical" and "classic"

What's the difference between classical and classic? Should we say classic content in textbooks or classical content in textbooks?
Computist's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

"Magic" versus "magical"

Two-part question. We say magic wand and magical creature and swapping the adjectives sounds wrong, even though both are technically correct. Are there rules about which one to use, or is this a ...
kontextify's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

Usage of "symmetrical" and "symmetric"

What is the appropriate usage of "symmetrical" and "symmetric" (using the geometrical adjectival definition of both terms)? Are they synonymous?
naught101's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there a rule for which suffix to use when creating adjectives from nouns?

There are many suffixes that are used to create adjectives from nouns (-al, -ic, -ive, -y). Are there any rules used to create adjectives from nouns? In example, why is the adjective excessive, and ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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"Geometric" or "Geometrical"?

I have read the excellent answers to Why is it "geometric" but "theoretical" - my question is specifically about usage. Is there a best practice for deciding between the variants geometric and ...
user76407's user avatar
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