Linked Questions

8 votes
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When do we use "of" rather than " 's" to show possession? [duplicate]

It is a very simple word but I am quite confused when I write formal documents. I do not know exactly when to use the of rather than 's. For example: The value of the mean or The mean's value. The ...
lvarayut's user avatar
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What's the difference between someone's something and something of someone? [duplicate]

I've noticed that many people say things like: "that's the dad of my babies" "We're the love of each other's life" And other people say: "That's my babies' dad" "We're each other's love life" So ...
Illiana's user avatar
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Different forms of the possessive [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Apostrophe "s" vs "Of" I want to know what's the different between the ownership usage: "He's her mother's son" "He is the son of her mother&...
Amumu's user avatar
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When to use possessive "'s" or "of the"? [duplicate]

This is one topic that I thought that I have already known well, but sometimes when I am writing a text or something like this it always come up the doubt of what should I use in the sentence to ...
Gabriel R.'s user avatar
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Difference in usage of X's Y and Y of X [duplicate]

Please explain the difference between X's Y and Y of X. Example: "The building's roof" and "roof of the building". Is there a "correct" form? When is the former used and when the latter?
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-3 votes
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Analysis's output vs analysis output vs output of the analysis [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Apostrophe “s” vs “Of” possessive connecting word for inanimate object Once again I'm not sure if I should use possessive or atributive or neither of ...
utxeee's user avatar
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Difference s genitive and of genitive [duplicate]

Could you help, please ? case genitive \ possessive This exercise is mentioned on the book ( practical exercises in English ) EXERCISE IX. Distinguish between the following:— The ...
Mohammad Ahmad's user avatar
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Uses of saxon genitive with the word Google as the owner [duplicate]

I would like to know which one of these expressions is the most correct and why? Google´s car The car of Google When I refer to the driverless car Google has invented.
Ana's user avatar
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Possessive construction using 's and "of" [duplicate]

What is the difference between possessives using an apostrophe, like "God's name" and using "of," like "name of God"? Other languages consistently use the "of" ...
Masoud B's user avatar
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«'s» or «of the» which one should I use? [duplicate]

I want to know if «'s» sounds more natural than «of the...». E.g.: 'My computer's keyboard' or 'The keyboard of my computer'. Thanks in advance.
Noé Hernández's user avatar
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Using 's with inanimate objects [duplicate]

I read some threads here where native speakers wonder why we, non-natives, are afraid to use 's with inanimate objects. Almost all of the commentors say that it is ok to use 's in such cases. The ...
My Lingvo's user avatar
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American rice vs rice of America [duplicate]

The following is a question from the university entrance examination held in 1994 using the DNC Japan Test. Can you tell the difference between rice grown in Japan and ? American one, 2) American ...
Aki's user avatar
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What is it called when instead of saying, for example, an "English book," you say a "book of English"? [duplicate]

I couldn't find this sort of question anywhere, but this is similar to possession, like when you say "Amanda's book" instead of "the book of Amanda," but those two have slightly ...
Adrian Miller-Castaño's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is using possessive apostrophe -s instead of "of form" correct? [duplicate]

I learned that the possessive apostrophe -s is used for living beings and the "of" form for non living things: The dog's name is Sherlock The color of the flower is yellow However, I have ...
Andrei Herford's user avatar
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Confusing examples; Apostrophe-“s” vs “of ” [duplicate]

These examples are very confusing to me and I still can't understand the difference between 's and of. For some sentences, it is grammatically wrong but for some sentences it is correct. Please help ...
Jawi's user avatar
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