In a sentence when subject is separated by a comma, we use there plural verb or singular verb? There are no conjunction like and, as well as in between. Like I have one sentence as :

Too much cricket, too many teams to lead have/has left Dhoni jaded.

Here Dhoni is the name of a person.

I think have would sound more appropriate in this context as here comma denote and implicitly. But I am not sure. Please clear up my confusion about it.

1 Answer 1


Although the conjunction (and) is not explicit, it is understood. There are two simple sentences combined into one. So the verb will be plural.

Too much cricket has left Dhoni jaded.

(Having) too many teams to lead has left Dhoni jaded.

Hence, all of these demands taken together have reduced the ability of M S Dhoni to perform at his best.

  • If the sentence was like that: I, you and Jeetendra have/has to work hard in order to meet the project deadline. Then what would be more appropriate?
    – Sudhir
    Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 6:08
  • @Sudhir Conjunctive and always creates a plural subject, and plural subjects take plural verbs. Only with disjunctives is the picture more complicated.
    – tchrist
    Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 6:41

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