Direction of movement or travel: Westbound, northbound...
Cardinal direction: West, north...
Here is a quote from a NY Times report of an accident:
An investigator for the railroad, Chuck Randolph, said the corners of the two lead cars ripped each other, and the steel side of the eastbound train seven seats back. The side of the westbound train was ripped back five seats deep. Thirty-five passengers were in the three-car eastbound train, while 100 were in the two-car westbound one.
As regards clockwise / anticlockwise move is concerned, imagine that you are moving in a car in a near rectangular closed loop. If you were moving in this order: Eastbound to the first corner of the near rectangular circuit, then Southbound to the next corner, Westbound, and finally Northbound to the fourth corner, then you would reach your bounds clockwise.
On the other hand if you were moving in this order: Westbound to the first corner of the near rectangular circuit, then Southbound to the next corner, Eastbound and finally Northbound, then you would reach your bounds anticlockwise.