I am writing a paper and I want to criticize some other related work. I want to say that the problem of their work is that they don't support advanced composition rules. So which one is a better phrasing and why:

The shortcoming of their approach is that they only support simple composition rules.


The shortcoming of their approach is the lack of support of advanced composition rules.

I will be grateful if you suggest a better phrasing.

3 Answers 3


The shortcoming of their approach is its lack of support for|of advanced composition rules.

sounds better to me (with the caveat that I have no idea what advanced composition rules are in this (unknown) context, and would be better able to respond if I did), but there's no one right answer to a question of this sort.

  • Why did you change the to its? I would imagine its here sounds like duplication, because we already mentioned their approach so the lack would by default be referring to their support.
    – Promather
    Commented Jan 17, 2011 at 17:57
  • 1
    I switched it simply because I thought it sounded better. It also clarifies whose lack it is: their approach's lack, or their own lack. (I trust I've chosen correctly?)
    – msh210
    Commented Jan 17, 2011 at 19:07

Without more context it's hard to say, but I'd try something like the following:

Their approach fails to support advanced composition rules.

We've done three things here:

  1. We've pulled the most important part out, so that it's now the main clause. In both of the original examples, the important part is buried in a subordinate clause or a prepositional phrase.

  2. We've strengthened that clause by turning a wimpy negative ("lack of support"/"support only") into a positive statement ("fails to support"). We're saying what it does do. "J'accuse!"

  3. We've dropped the "shortcoming" bit entirely. I'm taking a liberty here, but at this point, it seems redundant. We've already characterized it as a failure.


The shortcoming of their approach is the lack of support of advanced composition rules.

The problem I see with this one is that it sounds too negative. Although it should be understood the way you want, the use of both shortcoming and lack seems redundant and unnecessarily critical. I would go with the first one:

The shortcoming of their approach is that they only support simple composition rules.

I would even rephrase it to say:

The shortcoming of their approach is that they do not support advanced composition rules.

Words like only, shortcoming, and lack have a more negative connotation than you really need, since you already said they have a shortcoming.

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