In one of the commentary tracks for Hellsing Ultimate OVA, English dub director Tallison Jaffe boasts using a few rare words now and then, so the fans have something to look for in their dictionaries. I couldn't find the word he was talking about, and in the context in doesn't really make much sense to me.

—Growing old seems so awful.

—Nonsense. Cromogenism is a traditional pleasure for English gentlemen.

The context implies this word is related to aging.

  • Well, there is chromogenic, producing colour, from which one could form chromogenism, I suppose, but that doesn't sound like a traditional pleasure for English gentlemen to me (although I'm prepared to be corrected). Oct 15, 2012 at 7:56

1 Answer 1


"Nonsense! curmudgeonism is a traditional pleasure for English gentlemen." - Walter

curmudgeon: see Wiktionary

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