In phrases such as Russian Roulette, Dutch Courage and French Letter the nationality changes the meaning of the noun. Is there a word for this?
I've only ever heard these called idioms of nationality (or ethnicity). I'm not sure there is a specific term for this, but I would be interested to hear the answer. A caveat: I expect many of these may be offensive to the nationalities mentioned. It is not a big step from "Dutch courage" to "a Chinaman's chance" ('s_chance) or "Indian giver" ( And the group degraded changes depending on the nationality of the speaker. For example, the German for banjo used to be Negergitarre (literally, "nigger guitar").– RobustoCommented Jan 11, 2011 at 18:33
1Indeed, Dutch Courage was originally a back-handed insult. It was originally coined at a time when Britain and the Netherlands were at war, and was meant to insinuate that the Dutch were only courageous when drunk. It would be a thin-skinned Dutch person that would be offended by it nowadays though surely?– user3444Commented Jan 11, 2011 at 18:57
3I am Dutch, and I don't think you could find a single person here who'd be offended. The same applies to "going Dutch", mostly because, well, that is actually quite a normal thing to do here. No offense, but we might call this sort of sensitivity "American thin skin" or something like that <ducks>.– Cerberus - Reinstate MonicaCommented Jan 11, 2011 at 23:53
3Sometimes the feeling is mutual - the phrase "to take French leave" (meaning to take holiday from work without permission) is expressed in French as "filer à l'anglaise"...– psmearsCommented Jan 12, 2011 at 18:05
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Although I can't locate a technical term for these, the terms nationality idioms and ethnicity idioms appear to be commonly used.
thank you. I am surprised there is no word for it, especially in the light of this...… Commented Jan 12, 2011 at 20:07