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What is the best format to use when writing out dates?

In represent a time and date, which of the following is the most proper (did I even frame this question right?)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Tuesday, September 25th, 2012


Tuesday, September Twenty-Fifth, 2012

For whatever reason, this has sparked debate where I work.


2 Answers 2


It isn't a question of any of them being proper. Different people follow different conventions. The important thing is that those working in any one organisation decide on a particular format and stick to it. My own practice, following the practice where I once worked, is to write 25 September 2012, putting the day of the week in front only if necessary. That seems to me to be clear and simple.


The first two are interchangeable and are a matter of style. "Twenty-Fifth" would look strange outside of an extremely formal setting like a wedding invitation.

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