I'm working in a software company working on an information system for travel agencies. Because we've grown big, we've decided to rename our internal project nomenclatore from Czech to English.
I think I've translated all names well, with one exception. I will now try to explain its meaning before proposing my translations.
In our system, there are "business cases" which are basically information containers containing a relation between a client and a travel agency. The simplest business case contains a hotel and a room that was reserved, names and ages of people that are going to spend their holidays there, generated contract and invoice documents to be printed etc.
It could not be possible to make a reservation for any hotel if the travel agency did not know the "availability" of the hotel. That means, it's essential for a travel agency to know how many people can be accommodated in a hotel and when. Our information system just provides them with means to easily keep track of the hotels' availability.
If a reservation is made, there are many complex interconnections, invisible to the employees of the travel agency. But a programmer working with the system has to know all of these connections.
As I said, a business case contains people that are going to spend their holiday somewhere. Now imagine, that for the system to work, there must be some connection between these people and the hotel availability. This connection essentialy says "1 man takes 1 availability unit from the hotel".
Now imagine that this connection is actually a single item with many implications. With this model, we can create much more complex situations and in agendas outside hotels, e.g. flight reservations or theatre/cinema reservations. Examples of complex models:
"1 and only one children takes 0 availability if the children is aged from 0 to 2"
"1 dog takes 0 availability in a flight"
"1 man takes 2 availability if the room he reserved can be ordered for himself regardless the total capacity of the room"
The question is, how would you call this connection? Something that is abstract and succinct enough. Word/phrase that basically says that there is an X of "something/someone" that is taking and holding Y places somewhere under some conditions and for a specific time.
- Using word-by-word translation from Czech, the result is "bound capacity" but that just doesn't sound well for me. Does it for you?
- Another suggestions I could think of are capacity holder, availability holder, space block, space binder ...
- It's also possible that there is a right word for this from the tourism industry which I don't know. (since I'm a programmer (IT industry), not a travel agency salesman)
I'm not a native english speaker. Could you suggest what would you think is the best? :)
(the question is probably a bit too complicated so if you're not sure you don't understand, please try to read the following explanations, they might help :)
Someone proposed a "reservation" and for a second, I felt like a total idiot but then I realized that we already use this word - reservation is actually a state of the business case. And business case is in reservation when it has valid connections. When there are no connections at all, the business case might be cancelled (because it wasn't paid or for a client request etc.) or many other reasons (the hotel is not be available during storm seasons/state holidays etc. etc. etc.)
Hotel California has 4 "availability spots".
Family Jones has 4 people plus a dog ... this takes 3 "availability spots"
-- 0 for the dog, 0 for the infant, 1 for the older child, and 2 for the adults
What would you call "availability spots" in English?
I'm not asking this :) I'm asking what would you call the thing that takes the availability spot. It can be a dog, an infant, a child, in some cases even a luggage!
The idea is that the occupant is binding the single capacity spot of the hotel to himself only. He's doing that by creating a "bound capacity" - a virtual unit that says how many places is he taking. Vast majority of these bound capacities are the simplest case: 1 man = 1 place. But there are also vast possibilities of how this bound capacity could be modified and how could it work anywhere else in the system.