In software engineering we use version control systems. Every time we check in modifications we usually leave a message with a summary of change. The question for me has always been: what is the most appropriate and practical tense and form for these messages? Examples:
Changed the function argument type to int
Function argument type changed to int
Function argument type is changed to int
Function argument type has been changed to int
Function argument type is now int
By "practical" I mean, because most messages are in the same form, they should be succinct, to the point, technical/formal. Best candidate in this regard is probably (2). Sometimes it is tempting to use (5) but you end up flooding your message log with "now", which is not nice. (4) is too long although looks (to me) appropriate in many cases. And finally, (1) and (3) feel wrong somehow, although (1) especially is a widely used one in programming, as far as I can tell.
Any thoughts, suggestions?
Edit: some other forms found by some googling:
Change the function argument type to int
Changing ...
Changes ...