I am confused that a use that is seemingly grammatical doesn't sound right.
- That our cattle are ailing is worrying.
- I find that our cattle are ailing worrying.*
- Has anyone said of that our cattle are ailing thus: "..." ?
1 sounds perfectly fine, 2 has to be intonated correctly to make sense, and 3 sounds questionable to me. I have no opinions on what qualifies as grammatical or whether sounding okay to a speaker is equivalent to grammaticalness, I only really want a second opinion.
Similar sentences with "whether" instead of "that" are fine, even if the meaning only slightly changes, but I think that's because "that" serves other roles frequently, causing confusion. Sorry if correct-soundingness doesn't warrant a post here.
* 2 could also have an ambiguous reading: the cattle could be sick from worry, if intonated differently.