This has been bugging me for ages. Is there a convenient word or phrase to express the idea that two food items can be traced back, culturally, to a common ancestor, or that one is derived from another?
For example, tonkatsu sauce is a kind of Japanese version of Worcestershire sauce, even though they're quite different in taste, texture and purpose. And tempura shares a common ancestor with fish and chips, namely Portuguese cuisine.
These relationships are quite surprising, so I'm looking for a word to describe them. If we were talking about words I'd say they were etymologically related, and if there's a similar word for food, some example sentences would be
Despite their similarity, ramen and pasta are not ____ related
Tonkatsu is ____ descended from schnitzel and sauerkraut.
I'd be quite happy with a phrase that's not specific to food and can also be used to describe cultural practices, architectural styles etc.
One could use "culturally" or perhaps "memetically" in the blanks, but neither feels quite right to me. "Gastronomically" almost seems like it should fit, but gastronomy refers to cooking food rather than studying it, so I think it's not quite right either.