I am looking for a word, preferably a noun, to describe the space created between two people depending on their relationship. Similar to the concept of multiplicity, where two or three people singing can sound like several people, where something is created from the combination of two other things. This is a neutral word that describes the space between two people but not the character of the space.
For example, if a brother and sister had a hostile, hateful relationship and you were sitting in between them-that space- or if two best friends have a warm, loving relationship and you sat between them-that space. I am thinking along the lines of hygge (Danish word that refers to a warm safe comforting feeling of being home that is created by intentionally introducing specific elements ie candles, hot soup, cozy blanket, warm conversation, appreciation of nature/simple things/holding space to be present and savor simple moments ), What I am looking for in this case refers to the space that is created by the relationship between two people regardless of the connotation/condition of the relationship but the space exists as a result of the relationship. A noun that refers to the landscape created by the relationship.
Example sentence: Although Jane was patient and kind, and Jim was caring and gentle, the space between them was cold and harsh.
The tense and hostile space created by Mr. and Mrs. Smith was not conducive to nurturing the well being of their children.
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