Wuthering Heights' Joseph is, in my opinion, one of the more annoying characters in the book, because of a) his temperament, and b) the opaque transcriptions of his thick Yorkshire accent and vocabulary. However, with the help of footnotes, re-reads, and squints, his speech is ultimately manageable.
In the midst of a paragraph full of confetti-like apostrophes and a scattering of double-u's, we meet this uncharacteristically understandable piece of dialogue:
'Ony books that yah leave, I shall tak' into th' hahse,' said Joseph, 'and it'll be mitch if yah find 'em agean; soa, yah may plase yerseln!'
[Volume 2, Chapter 18]
This comes to:
'Any books that you leave, I'll take into the house,' said Joseph, 'and it'll be [mitch] if you find them again; so, you may please yourself!'
Other than the word mitch, this is fairly easy to figure out on the spot. Per this article that interprets Joseph's speech, mitch, here, means 'unlikely.' And in my version of the book, a footnote explains that it's a dialectal word that means 'lucky'.
Both interpretations make sense: 'it'll be lucky if you find them' has essentially the same meaning of 'it'll be unlikely if you find them', though the first version sounds more natural to my ear.
I can't find any citation of mitch meaning lucky in any lexicon, though I was able to find it listed in the sense of 'unlikely'. In an 1866 dictionary, A Glossary of Words Used in the County of Chester, it says that mitch can be an adjective that means:
unlikely, strange, extraordinary
"It's mitch if he comes now"
- what exactly does the word mitch mean here?
- what is its origin?
- where is it used?
- are there any other instances where it's used in this sense?