Does the subject (Over a billion years) function as a single unit of measurement here?
Does this answer your question? Plural or singular {verb form} when stating that an amount is enough See also subject-verb agreement with years measurement as subject. And verbs that follow an amount of time ... singular or plural? ...– Edwin AshworthCommented Jun 13, 2023 at 14:29
And plural / singular verb agreement with units. And More than 1000 gallons of paint is/are sold each day. // Here, few would not use notional agreement (... is) rather than formal agreement (... are), the interval, as you say, being considered as unary.– Edwin AshworthCommented Jun 13, 2023 at 14:33
1Why torture yourself? Whichever plurality you decide to use, at least some people will think you made the wrong choice. Just give yourself an easy life and go for It takes over a billion years to form a diamond, same as most sensible native Anglophones– FumbleFingersCommented Jun 13, 2023 at 14:48
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yes,I think the verb should be singular here, because over a billion years as the subject of the sentence should be treated as a whole noun.
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