In google translate, the word "bizarre" means "very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement.". But I believe that this description is more suited for "eccentric". For example, the character of Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean is eccentric.
On the other hand, AI chat GPT says that "bizarre" usually means something odd and unsettling. And I have seen people make use of the word "bizarre" for criticizing something, rather than an expression of fascination.
In Meriam-Webster site, "bizarre" means odd or eccentric in stye.
This means "bizarre" and "eccentric" share the same meaning?
But "Jack Sparrow is such a bizarre person" and "Jack Sparrow is such an eccentric person" don't seem to resonate. I got different vibes from them. Or is it just my feeling?
Both means "unconventional"?
What are their subtle differences, and can I have one example for each that would enlighten me about their differences?