What is the term for a word/name that describes the function?
One example is dishwasher, which is a machine that does exactly what the name suggests- it washes dishes.
What is the term for a word/name that describes the function?
One example is dishwasher, which is a machine that does exactly what the name suggests- it washes dishes.
An autological word describes itself or is self-refential. "Noun" is a noun, for example. Homological is another term. Visible can be seen here and it is polysyllabic. Writing is writing*.
*Mileage may vary (argument for cursive).
The nearest general term I can suggest is descriptor
a word or phrase used to describe or refer to something
It is a word that has come into use since about 1960 (according to the google ngram usage graph).
Hence, "dishwasher" is the descriptor of a machine that washes dishes. I cannot think of a descriptor that does not describe the function of the thing it refers to; if it did not describe the thing it would not be a descriptor. Therefore I suggest the word may suit your purpose.