Coi Leray is here using African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). As this article from the University of Hawaii explains, AAVE often does not follow the rules of subject-verb agreement found in other varieties of English. As this article from WSU explains, the plural present tense form of "be" is typically "is" in AAVE.
Leray's song includes a number of other elements typical of (though not always exclusive to) AAVE.
In this line the copula "is" is deleted after "he":
If he broke, then you gotta let him go
Here the word "make" does not inflect for person/number:
Yeah, the apple bottom make him wanna bite
There's a long history of people seeing AAVE as "American English but with grammar mistakes." In fact, it's a dialect of English with its own rules of grammar.
In summary: this is not a mistake. This usage of "is" is both correct and standard in AAVE.