What is the English for French "plan" in an academic presentation?
For instance:
- Introduction
- Data and methodology
- Results
- Conclusion
This meaning of French "plan" is very pervasive in the French education/academic system (in Google search, 33 000 000 for "plan de la dissertation" ("dissertation" is a specific term for 'high school essay') ('high school essay's plan'); 394 000 000 results for "plan de la présentation" ('presentation plan').
Two problems: (1) this meaning is not really described in French dictionaries (2) I can't find a good translation in English dictionaries/translation tools
(1) French dictionaries
In French, the word "plan" covers many meanings. In fact, in the wiktionary, it corresponds to 3 different nouns. The 1st one has 6 meanings, and the 2nd one (which concerns us here, has 8 meanings). Here is my translation of those 8 meanings from the wiktionary :
- Graphic representation of a construction 2. Map 3. Organisation of a project 4. Previsional economic organisation of a country 5. Event after a preparation 6. Intention, purpose 7. Musical structure 8. Sexual meeting
Bolded is the meaning which concerns us here.
In the French dictionary TLFI, "plan" is also described as having lots of meanings. One that corresponds to the meaning which concerns here is, bolded (my translation) :
B.1. Written project, containing an ordered series of operations, in order to achieve an action or a series of actions
(2) English dictionaries/translation tools
I searched on linguee but I can't find. Google translate gives "plan of the presentation", but I am not sure.