I want an attractive suitable phrase for describing an easy journey. For example,
The journey was a piece of cake.
I think the sentence sounds absurd hence I need something more appealing and fancy.
I want an attractive suitable phrase for describing an easy journey. For example,
The journey was a piece of cake.
I think the sentence sounds absurd hence I need something more appealing and fancy.
A common idiomatic expression is:
The journey was a breeze.
OED definition of breeze for this sense:
slang. Something easy to achieve, handle, etc. Originally U.S.
jaunt a short excursion or journey for pleasure
A walk in the park is "something that is very easy to do, and usually pleasant" according to Cambridge dictionaries.
It's not always used of journeys - Cambridge gives the example sentence "He's used to hard physical work - this is a walk in the park to him" - but it certainly could be.
Smooth sailing. Straight sailing, plain sailing. easy sailing. A breeze. Straightforward. There was nothing to it. No sweat. A cinch. A waltz. If nothing works you can be metaphorical. The trip was like a walk in the park.
Cruise (Wiktionary), Sojourn (Wiktionary) are everyday words adequate for the purpose. Some fancy words may be
Junket (Wiktionary) A pleasure-trip; a journey made for feasting or enjoyment, now especially a trip made ostensibly for business but which entails merrymaking or entertainment.
Gallivant (Wiktionary) To roam about for pleasure without any definite plan. To flirt, to romance.
Outing (Wiktionary) A pleasure trip or excursion. (Agreed it is not a fancy word :))