I am currently doing this IB English Literature question, but I am kind of stuck with this answer.
Which section of the following passage needs to be edited for incorrect spelling, incorrect grammar, inappropriate word choice or wordiness?
A. “Give the rest of the pizza to
B. whomever asks for it;
C. I certainly don’t want
D. any more slices.”
The correct answer is B. The whomever is incorrect, it should be whoever. I am a little bit stuck why we should use whoever here. I understand whoever is used in the subject position of a sentence, and whomever is an object, but in this context shouldn't we use whomever?
This is another example from Google
Examples of Whomever in a Sentence:
Harry should give the award to whomever he thinks deserves it.
But don't the two sentences have similar structure (all have a small clause afterwards)?
The explanation for the answer:
Answer: B - Corrected version: whoever asks for it;
Whomever should be changed to whoever. Whoever is used in the subject position of a sentence, and whomever is an object. In the above sentence, whoever is the subject of the embedded clause, “whoever asks for it,” even though the embedded clause is itself an indirect object.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!