Do we have any English word for data files that have duration?
More specifically I'm looking for a word to distinguish data files like sounds or videos (that have a duration) from data files like images (where duration is meaningless for them).
Do we have any English word for data files that have duration?
More specifically I'm looking for a word to distinguish data files like sounds or videos (that have a duration) from data files like images (where duration is meaningless for them).
It seems that the terminology is Continuous Media.
Continuous media is data where there is a timing relationship between source and destination.
The most common examples of continuous media are audio and motion video.
A File System for Continuous Media:
The Continuous Media File System, CMFS, supports real-time storage and retrieval of continuous media data (digital audio and video) on disk.
Current disk drives have raw data rates of 5 to 10 million bits per second (Mbps) or more.
Such rates suffice for many forms of digital audio and motion video (continuous media, or CM) data: audio data rates are from 8 Kbps to 1.4 Mbps, while compressed video ranges from one to several Mbps.
You could use Continuous Media or Continuous Media file to indicate that time is involved.
The terminology is there, but not sure if it is widely known or standardised.