I'm writing about ways to obtain complete understanding, and that requires every possible perspective. I've got most of them covered, but I'm stuck on what I'm calling proximity... fairly certain it's not the right word for what I'm trying to convey. The concept I'm thinking of includes both distance and sides. Sides include in, out, right, left, above, below, etc., and distance only includes how far away. I believe proximity is more about how far away...but I'm looking for a term that considers sides too. Please keep in mind, this is not limited to physical perspective, it also includes temporal, mental and more. So sides also mean his, her, their, before, after, etc.
As you can see from these synonyms for proximity, proximity is not exactly what I mean: adjacency, closeness, contiguity, immediacy, nearness, propinquity, vicinity.
The term I'm looking for does not have to include nearby, but it does include a degree of that because you can't sense something that is too far away. On the outer edge of this term lies "access," so where this term leaves off, "no practical access" begins.
Here's how the word/term would be used in a sentence.
"To obtain a more complete understanding of what you are focused on, it's imperative that you include as many perspectives as possible including: accessibility, dependence and ______. Accessibility determines how complete your understanding is or can be, and dependence includes a spectrum of possibilities ranging from complete independence to total interdependence--it also includes degrees of perceptive subjectivity. ______ includes direction and distance apart from but considering access, since limited access also prevents complete ______." Keep in mind, this not only applies to physical space, it also includes all natural and supernatural spaces, including temporal, mental and relational.
On a more practical level, "____ is important because if you are only seeing it from the south, your perspective is limited, or if you are only seeing it from the post-modern age, you are not seeing it from the people who had to deal with it in the middle ages."
Here's more of the same for an additional example. "Experiences include _____ too, because the way you feel depends on how close you are to the situation, and what you can actually sense in the process, from your physical point of view to your attitude when you experienced it."