I am trying to explain to somebody why the statement “technology A will soon replace technology B” is not a good idea to write in a book.
The reason I want to provide is that, in a few years time, indeed technology A might have replaced technology B, in which case the statement “will soon replace” will not be true anymore.
I am searching for a single word or a short phrase to describe statements like this, which are currently true but will not be true in the future.
This is another example of a ________ statement, since you would need to update it in a few years’ time.
I have tried to use a search engine to find a suitable word, and to think of something myself, but without much success.
The best I could come up with is “non-future-proof”, which is vague and also describes what these statements are not instead of what they are. Another word is “short-lived”, but I find it a bit too general.
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Word for something that can be obsolete in the future, obsolete-able sounds similar, but there is a significant distinction.
The definition of obsolete, according to Oxford Languages, is
no longer produced or used
A statement like this does not become “obsolete”, as in “no longer produced or used”. Instead, it becomes no longer true.